
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Editor's Choice

I am so excited! I made Editor's Choice on Mike Sibley's Starving Artist site. It has been 5 years since I've had this honor. It is a hall of fame that I feel very priviledged to be a part of.

I have had a gallery on Starving Artist for 5 years. It's a great site for exposure, as Mike gets well over 10,000 hits per month. Walter Foster and Quarto publishing both "discovered" me from his site and it is an excellent match with my own website.

I can't thank Mike enough for all his support and encouragement over the years. He's been the greatest influence on my development as an artist as well as my success. Thank you Mike.


  1. Congratulations Diane! Your drawing is gorgeous. Well deserved recognition!

  2. Hi Diane,

    You're very welcome, and very deserving.

    I just received the Starving Artists stats for January:
    Unique Hits: 45,236
    Page Views: 335,074

  3. Thanks Christine!

    Mike, thank you so much. I was a little low on my counts. Why wouldn't any artist want to be part of such a great site?

  4. Congratulations, Diane. Well deserved!
