
Saturday, March 03, 2007

Barn Commission

I believe this one is ready for a signature. I have laid in the grass and the lane gently curves into the picture...leading the viewer right into the scene. The tree shadow blanketing across the lane adds interest as well.

This is coming along nicely. I have the fence lines in and the driveway is starting to take shape. The grass is slowly taking form as well. The foreground tree on the left wraps the scene nicely together.

I've got the garden planted! This sure brings back memories of all those garden fresh vegetables...cabbage, carrots, beans, tomatoes and corn. I've started on the fence work and the lane as well....

I've drawn in the silo. It has a metal dome with lots of sun reflection. The silo itself is a brick one. Consistent with my approach, I do not draw every single brick. Instead I draw just enough to give the impression of bricks. I am careful to indicate a curve to give the silo a cylindrical shape. I continue with the trees in the background and the shed to the left of the building.

There is a maze of fences to decifer in the front part of the barn. I will have to look closely at the photo reference to see where they go.....

The barn is next... I have added just a few wispy clouds in the sky. Just enough to add interest, not enough to compete with the rest of the scene.

Since I am left-handed I work from right to left. For me that is a natural progression. It might seem a bit backwards to most people. I have decided to include just a few of the round hay bales but they disappear into the trees on the right. The background tree line and field are added as well.

I start by creating an outline of the barn and surrounding elements. I then create a smooth, toned sky.....

The size of this image 17.5 x 10".

I enjoy doing commissions for people. But when the subject matter includes a old family farmstead, it is even more enjoyable. This one is no exception!

My client provided me with a couple of photos of a barn. She is giving this drawing to her mother for her 75th birthday. What a beautiful barn and a wonderful gift....

Here are the two reference photos that I am working from. The panoramic is of the barn just before it was torn down. The black and white is how they all remember it looking like. I will be combining elements from both images to create an image from the past.....